Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Ax Time!

Wednesday night and that means time for someone's hopes and dreams to be dashed. With last night's dismal performances all the way around (almost), it's anyone's guess who should go. In my opinion, the best performance of the night was Kris and the worst was either Lil or Megan. It's too bad the girls aren't doing well because there are only three left, and it would be nice to have a balance. It's all I can do to hold myself back from saying that Scott should go. Who knows? He may be on the upswing. A little late, though. I think last night was a fluke for him.

So. . . Here we go. . .

The show started out with possibly the best Ford video yet. I actually enjoyed it. You can check out the video at Catchy tune. Matt seemed in his element with his rap. If he makes it through, he should definitely stick with that exact style of music.

And then, there's the cheeseball lip-synched group effort, "Don't Stop Believing," by Journey. Why do they make them do that?

OK. . . Megan, Matt, and Kris were the first to get called up. They went to the left side of the stage. Then Adam, Lil, and Allison were called up. They went to the center of the stage. Then Scott, Danny, and Anoop went to the right side of the stage. Is one of those groups the bottom three? If so, I'm hoping it's the middle, simply because Matt is in one of the others, as is Kris. We'll see. . .

First, last year's AI winner (and my choice), David Cook performed his new hit, "Come Back To Me." I really like this song. And the video is really interesting. Check it out on YouTube if you haven't seen it. At the end of Cook's performance, Seacrest presented him with a plaque representing one million copies sold of his debut album -- platinum. From obscurity to stardom in one year. I love it!

Now, on with the results.

Kris was the first called up from his group. He is safe as expected. Next, Matt was called up. Safe this week. Sigh of relief from me. Next, Megan steps up. Disses Simon by telling him she doesn't care what he thinks. She is in the bottom three at last. In fact, Megan seemed to be making a mockery out of the whole affair by making goofy faces into the camera, waving hysterically into the camera, and flapping her arms and making pteradactyl noises while crossing the stage. Is she losing her mind? Lil was next. Safe. Allison. Also in the bottom three. I was surprised at this, but she wasn't. Adam next. Safe. Bummer. I'd like to see him go.

Next came Danny. The judges loved him. So did America. Then, Scott and Anoop were called up together . The judges liked Scott, but not Anoop. Scott was safe (no comment), and Anoop joins Megan and Allison sitting on the dreaded stools of despair in the bottom three.

And sit there they must through a performance by Lady Gaga. A dynamic out-of-the-ordinary show.

After Lady Gaga, Seacrest asked Simon if there was anyone worth "saving" in the bottom three. "One," he replied, but he didn't say who.

After the break, Allison got sent back to safety. I'm glad about that. Then the final call -- Megan was the biggest loser. Because of the dis of the judges mentioned earlier in this blog, the judges didn't even let her try to sing her way back to safety. Simon told her that because she said she didn't care, then neither did the judges. Good-bye Megan. She was ready and so were we.

See ya next time!

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